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How much storage (space) do I need for my website? - Base de connaissances / SSD Shared Hosting - Helpdesk

How much storage (space) do I need for my website?

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Storage in a webhosting environment refers to the amount of space you use to store all your website content, images, videos, emails, databases, scripts, downloads and everything else you upload to your account. The content of your website determines the space requirements. Storage is distinguishable from bandwidth. Disk space is file storage space, and bandwidth is the amount of data that is transferred from your website to visitors. So when we talk about disk space, that number remains the same whether ten or ten thousand visitors access it. Each visitor to your website that downloads or accesses content on your website contributes to the overall bandwidth usage.

In general, most website pages are only a few megabytes (MB). However, application configuration files, logs, email — it all adds up. If you use WordPress, Joomla, Magento or other open-source platform, the database content they use also counts toward your overall storage usage.

All our plans come with a generous amount of both storage and bandwidth, so for most customers, these are not limiting factors. Instead, what you may need to consider are the number of websites you can host within a single account, how many email accounts you require, features — such as WordPress only or SSH access, and traffic plus resource usage, which may necessitate a more robust plan.

Not sure what the right plan is for you? Use our Solution Finder step-by-step wizard to help you figure out what requirements you have and which plan is best suited for your needs!

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