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What is CloudLinux and how does it benefit me? - Base de conocimiento / General Questions - Helpdesk

What is CloudLinux and how does it benefit me?

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CloudLinux OS is the leading commercial platform which increases the server security, efficiency, and stability by isolating each user in its own Lightweight Virtualized Environments (LVE). It is a unique environment consists of its own CPU, memory, IO, IOPS, number of processes and other limits. This will make sure that over usage of any users will not threaten the stability of the server as a whole. Gone are the days where if a particular user experiences sudden traffic and begins to consume all the resources, it would result in downtime for everyone. Rather than increasing the server load, CloudLinux will slow down only that particular user’s account.

Overall, all our plans that use CloudLinux will benefit from increased server stability, security and efficiency compared to other providers who rely on traditional Linux OS environment. Customers can get the benefit of ‘cloud’ hosting’s stability without the marketing gimmicks they typically represent.

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