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What is SSD Multi-Account Hosting? - Base de conocimiento / SSD Multi-Account Hosting - Helpdesk

What is SSD Multi-Account Hosting?

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SSD Multi-Account Hosting is ideal for web designers, web developers, SEO/marketing agencies, resellers and even other web hosting providers who are seeking the ability to create individualized logins for their customers or end-users to manage their own website, while still being able to oversee those accounts. For example, if you are a web designer and want to provide a value-added hosting plan to your customer, you can easily do so with our SSD Multi-Account plan. Simply create a separate account for this customer, and they won't know you're being hosted through! We don't restrict how much you charge or what kinds of plans you can sell for your end-users, as long as it's within the allotted quota for your SSD Multi-Account plan.

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